Monday, July 02, 2007
New Projects Completed!
Well, this means that you just have to head out to the store and see them IRL!! A couple of hints. One layout is done using the Coluzzle circle template, and involves the main picture being a part of Mickey Mouse's head, with gorgeous Creative Imaginations paper as part of his ears. I've used a Mickey Mouse head spiral clip to attach Mickey's signature to use as the title. I traced different spiral clips (in the shape of Mickey's head) to the cardstock and used Crystal Lacquer and microbeads to highlight the shapes -- looks like epoxy stickers!
The other layout involves Bazzill scalloped cardstock, Scenic Route chipboard letter and Heidi Swapp rubons. There is also some gorgeous ribbon that Di has in-store -- black with red Chinese characters!! Simple but striking as this layout has red, gold-yellow and a teeny bit of orange in it -- it matches the baby picture of Bel wearing her teddy's bear's Chinese outfit!
I will try and take a picture the next time I'm at Remember Me and upload them to this post!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I've Been Tagged
6 Quirky/Weird Things About Me:
- I have a thing for shoes and purses -- I probably have over 50 pairs of shoes/boots and probably over 20 purses -- in the past year alone, I have bought 5 pairs (I've been exercising restraint) and 8 purses (2 Prada, 5 Coach, 1 Fendi)
- Whenever I eat something that is too salty/spicy, I NEED to eat something sweet. It also works the other way so if I eat something too sweet, I NEED something salty/spicy.
- I used to be very shy, but something happened in my late teens and now I can be a very agressive, nasty Bi-atch when people tick me off
- My favorite movies of all time are the Lord of the Rings trilogy-- I think I've watched them close to 10 times. BUT I only watch the parts with Legolas (Orlando Bloom), Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) and the Elves (Liv Tyler) and fast-forward anything that shows just the Ents (talking trees) and the Hobbits (Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, etc) -- I thought those parts were boring
- When I was a teenager, I LOVED Top Gun and Tom Cruise and have seriously watched it over 100 times. But now I think Tom Cruise is an idiot so won't watch it any more.
- I have a "dirty little laugh" as my husband likes to say. He says it only happens when I'm feeling kind of evil or when I'm playing a joke on him or the kids.
7 Random Things About Me:
- I LOVE to shop for pretty much ANYTHING -- especially if it's on sale
- Reading is one of the things I enjoy the doing the most. I read virtually anything and everything from biographies to romance novels to murder mysteries to medical thrillers.
- I am a total Harry Potter fan! Love the books and surf
- Love coffee (non-fat no-foam lattes or at Christmas, the gingerbread lattes). My fave is Cafe Artigiano but will take Starbucks as it is more accessible.
- I'm not even 5' tall! I'm only 4'11"
- I don't like insects of any kind and am scared of pretty much all animals. I've had some bad experiences with dogs as a kid though I really want one of my own (Golden Retriever puppy)
- I love anything cute. I am a big Hello Kitty fan, and have a huge Winnie-the-Pooh collection. I guess you can say that my favorite place on earth IS Disneyland!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Here is a layout that I created for a Fancy Pants contest. I love how the striped paper imitates the pattern on the Korean pagaoda in the photo.
I glued the pattern paper to the FP Biggest Board flourishes and letters, and then sanded the edges to distress it a bit. I wanted to use a heart as part of the flourishes (to match the two hearts on the bottom), but didn't have a chipboard one. So I used a punch and made multiple cuts on the FP paper and glued them one on top of the other until it was 3-dimensional. I also used 2 Heidi Swapp ghost hearts for the bottom, and glued a piece of the FP paper under it so that it had a very subtle pattern when you look at it.
Items used for the layout:
- Fancy Pants Mulberry Road pattern papers
- Fancy Pants Biggest Board Lotsa Letters
- Fancy Pants Biggest Board Flourishes
- Heidi Swapp pink ghost hearts
- Heart punch
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Another Sneak Peek Layout!

- Reminisce pattern papers
- Bazzill cardstock
- Gel-a-tins clear stamps
- Autumn Leaves clear stamps
- Versa and Tim Holtz inks
- Zig pens
Monday, June 11, 2007
"Adorable" layout Sneak Peek

Take a sneak peek at one of my projects for Remember Me Scrapbooking in Coquitlam, BC. You can check out the original in-store as of the end of this week!
This layout was made with materials that you can find at the store:
- Making Memories pattern papers
- Bazzill cardstock
- Autumn Leaves clear stamps
- Scenic Route chipboard letters
- Heart and circle punch
- Versa Ink
- Zig pens
I'll be posting more projects soon!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Garage Sale
Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to sell everything - and I still have a brand-new medium AMM tote in pink/brown . . . perhaps next time!
Tonight I'm off to the Booker Club to make a mini book and to chat with friends. YAY!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
So, DH and I have been there every night to make dinner for the family since my dad doesn't really cook nor does my brother. I'm so glad to be able to help out since my mom has ALWAYS done so much for me.
It really makes me stop and think how fragile life is, and how things can happen in a split second. Take a minute to stop what you're doing (it's never really as important in the future), call your mom and tell her how much you love her and give her a big hug. Or if you're Asian*, give her a hug and tell her how much you love her anyways!!!
* since most Asians don't show public displays of affection-- at least not the ones I know. Trust me. When I was on a student exchange in high school, I was the only Asian in the group. At the airport, all the other students and parents were hugging, kissing and crying. My parents and I looked at each and said "bye". : )
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A New Computer!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
More Work Done
Monday, May 28, 2007
My Submission

I used a HS mask on top of a transparency -- it worked out great since the paint dried shiny so that it looks as if it is still wet! I outlined the HS letters in paint, and placed it over words that I had written on the Bazzill so that you can read it through the letters. I used a HS stamp on the corner of the photo and drew attention to it with some HS jewels. I also inked one of he HS flowers so that it looks like the ones in the photo.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Outlet Shopping is the Best!
We hit both Prime (Burlington) and Premium (Tulalip) and there were some great buys!! Picked up a bunch of clothes for the girls and jeans for DH.

We also stopped off at Target and though we couldn't find the AL stamps at $10 that Tracy found, I picked up some Prima tins for $10 each -- couldn't resist. Plus I got the Fiskar soft-grip x-acto type knife for only $4.99.
We did end up paying at the border, but the guard was nice annd only charged us GST and PST. It did end up around $50 though -- still it was better than what I could get here. I'm not sure how or why things are so much cheaper in the states?!
I'm heading down again this coming weekend -- my mom wants to check out the sales since they have the Memorial Day sales coming up. Me? I'm taking my mom but don't think I'll be buying much. I spent too much already last week!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, April 20, 2007
I'm Free....
I am so ready to start scrapbooking! I've taken a break since February due to the work load, and haven't really done anything other than my once-a-month scrapbook nights at Sonja's Booker Club . Last Saturday, we played with the Creative Imaginations dress form and it was soooo much fun!
Yesterday night, I finally managed to make my first meeting of the 77 in 07 club at Remember Me Scrapbooking. Though I didn't get much done, I had a lot fun meeting new and old friends.
Today I managed to scrapbook 2 2-page layouts for my best friend's wedding album, and started a third. I will try to do a bit more tonight.
My plans for my week off? To make curtains for the four downstairs windows (I've been promising to do this for the past 5 years -- oops), finish my friend's wedding album, complete my four projects for Remember Me Scrapbooking , complete my projects for Distinctly Me, clean the house, weed the garden, have a playdate with Sonja and Claire, meet up with Doreen, help Cathy with her scraproom, and read some books!
Will I get it all done? Well, probably everything but making the curtains. Again : )
Monday, March 26, 2007

Originally I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch a gory, action-packed war-type movie. However my DH convinced me to go since he said it would be kind of like a Greek mythology type movie and that it was kind of like the Lord of the Ring battle type scenes.

When the movie started, I didn't want it to ever end!! It was such a great story, though sad. Without giving it away, basically the story is about 300 Spartans who went to war to defend their country. There were only 300 of them since there was some kind of Greek holiday that forbade any type of fighting during this time period, but the King decided that it must be done in order to prevent the Persians from invading their country.
I was in awe of the principles that these Spartans had, in spite of the adversaries that they faced. It was gory, some real but some implied.
And the bodies on these actors!! I was convinced that many of these actors had their bodies CGed (computer generated) as they ALL had very defined muscular arms and legs, broad shoulders and 6-pack abs -- even the older guys. However, my DH said that he remembered reading an article about how all the actors had to go through some rigorous body-building training before they filmed and that they had to also go on those insane diets that body-builders go through just prior to competition.

So, ladies, even if you're not a big action fan, it's worth it to see all these beautiful-bodied men wearing nothing but sandals, speedo-like bottoms and a cape!! But honestly, it's a great movie!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
- a Saturday night crop at the Booker Club. It was a great night as we made a fantastic layout based on Sonja's talented idea! (I'll post a picture soon).
- The next day I headed off to a luxurious afternoon of high tea and shopping with the LOLAs (Ladies of Leisurely Activities), a group of my 7 closest friends.
- I've had an Open House at work where I had to find staff and students to make speeches and presentations
- Planned, organized and hosted an Advisory Board meeting (including all the curriculum that needed to be discussed)
- Planned, organized and hosted a Student-Industry function which allowed students to meet one-on-one for interview and networking opportunitites -- there were 5 managers plus 18 students
- Planned, organized, hosted and delegated responsibilities for a one-week program for 16 high school students -- trying to teach them about the hospitality industry so that meant calling and finding guest speakers, arranging field trips and supervising the entire program
- Taught 3 courses including prep, and marking
- Been part of 3-4 second interviews since we're trying to hire a Marketing/PR manager
- Had a fun, wonderful but late dinner with a bunch of friends last night at the Olive Garden -- we'll miss you Janet!!!
I do still have to attend a birthday party next week. Oops. That reminds me that I had better start organizing Bel's 6th birthday since it's coming up -- the room is booked but that's about it.
Can't wait to play at Sonja's in mid-April at the next Booker's Club! Perhaps I'll finally find time to scrapbook again!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Do You Ever Keep Secrets?
HOWEVER, a couple of weekends ago, I went shopping with some girlfriends and found a pair of shoes that I just HAD TO HAVE!! You know the ones...looks beautiful - makes you look fabulous -- you just can't live without them! Well, normally it wouldn't be a problem, but with the amount of money that I spent on scrapbooking supplies in the past month or so with all the old stuff going on sale and all the pre-orders everywhere...well, I made a promise to DH that I would NOT buy anything I don't really need, especially new shoes when I must have over 40-50 pairs at home (not that I've actually counted them).
Look, could you say no to this??

Darn that budget of mine. I must win the lottery!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Another Year Older...
Then I thought about what I've accomplished in the last year since my last birthday. I have:
- made new friends through Lovebug, Pick-of-the-Patch and Remember Me.
- gotten a lot faster at completing layouts (sometimes).
- tried not to let the little things bother me so much.
- spent more quality time with my girlfriends, whether it's shopping or scrapbooking or just chatting
- been more open with trying new foods -- raw oysters, buffalo, caribou
- been more patient with teaching my ODD her homework
- realized that status/titles/pay raises are not everything and I don't regret making the decision to spend more time with family.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Harry Potter!!!
Though part of me feels that Harry should die so that they can't continue on the series (R.K. Rowling said that she will not write another Harry book after this one) because sometime other authors do a "spin-off" and they are never as good as the original author. Look at the Godfather books by Mario Puzo -- someone continued on the stories after he died, and they are terrible!
The other part of me really wants Harry to live a very happy life with Ginny Weasley. After all he's been through, he should be entitled to some happiness, don't you think?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
It's One Thing After Another!!!
On Saturday, we had to attend my cousin's 11th birthday party. It was a late night and the kids had woken up early that morning, and didn't take a nap. My grandmother is NOT the grandmotherly type if you KWIM -- has no clue how to play with kids since nannies took care of my dad and his siblings when they were small.
It's about 9:30pm, and we're waiting for them to bring out the birthday cake. My grandma is bored and starts to "play" with my YDD who is 3 years old -- by taking away her toys, poking her and generally just teasing her. We didn't say anything to my grandma since she is old, and that is just how she is -- though we did tell YDD to be nice since she was giving dirty looks and growling at her. Removing her from the situation doesn't help since my grandma would then follow her around to "play". I did say something to my grandma, but since I'm supposed to be a "NICE" Chinese girl, I couldn't really do too much. Finally after about 30 minutes, my daughter had had enough -- she stood up, pointed at my grandma and said "You talk too loud" (grandma is going deaf and thus, tends to talk really loud). We all started laughing, including my grandma -- she secretly loves when someone stands up to her since not very many people do.
Anyways, my aunt (my dad's older sis who has NEVER been married or been around kids) starts freaking out about how disrespectful my daughter is and how we should discipline her, etc. My DH got upset and said that it's not about disrespect, but about standing up for herself. This really got my aunt angry -- I don't get it -- my daughters always greet their elders by name, they always say good-bye and give a hug & kiss, they always say thank-you and please -- and when they don't, we remind them and they always repeat it. They are ONLY 3 and 5!! It was utter chaos!! My grandma, my DH and I were all talking VERY loudly to my aunt -- which was a good 10-15 minutes of VERY loud arguing which took my mom, sis and BIL to break up. I mean, my grandma wasn't even offended -- she found it funny and even yelled at my aunt by saying "what is the big deal? She's only a child -- they don't know how to be rude (on purpose), etc.".
So anyways, this means that I won't be spending Chinese New Year with the family. It's very bad luck to say anything bad/negative on that day and I know my aunt will start something -- she's weird that way. And my mom and other relatives would be so unhappy if any arguing happened that day. I already feel bad that we ruined the birthday celebrations of my cousin (on my mom's side) since celebrations follow the same negative/bad rule.
We had a guy come give us an estimate on painting the trim on our house and we got a quote of $2000+!!! Just for trim!!! If we wanted th entire house painted, it would be $4500+!!! Our house is very small, less than 1800 square feet!!
Guess we'll be getting a second opinion.
My ODD had to see a pediatric dentist today. She has 6 cavities and when we took her to her regular dentist a few weeks ago, she refused to get her fillings done (after the 3rd shot, she clammed up, screamed and refused to get the treatment). So, she is going to the dentist I went to when I was a kid!! Weird isn't it?
Anyways, they did a consultation and it turns out that there is more work than anticipated. The believe that she will need about 6 crowns and tons of little fillings. It turns out that one of her front teeth is abcessed and has to be removed. She will need to go to Cambie Hosital, be put under and they will do all the work at once. Talk about expensive. They gave me a handout today and it costs $369/hour at the hospital and this is all BEFORE the dental work. I shudder to think about the final bill....
However, if it has to get done, it has to get done. Not much we can do about it. It's just frustrating as she rarely eats sweets and brushes her teeth after if she does. Drinks juice once per day with a meal. Brushes regularly and flosses every night. The dentist told us that she probably just has weak enamel and that there isn't much we can do about it.
Oh, and it turns out that she may be missing the two teeth besides her top middle two -- it could be late but most likely is missing. Apparently it happens and is apparently heriditary though I don't know anyone in the family who is missing this may need ortho work later on....
ACK!!! Oh well, tomorrow is a brand new day!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Goals for 2007
- Be more active and fit.
- Date Wil more on a romantic setting rather than just trips to Costco for a hotdog prior to grocery shopping.
- Eat healthier -- bye-bye Costco hotdogs!! : )
- Spend more quality time with the girls -- they won't be small for long.
- Be more organized -- my room and computer areas look like a tornado hit them.
- Be better with money - shop less!
- Be more patient.
- Do more - try to scrapbook at least 3 times a week.
- Do more multi-page and multi-picture layouts.
- Use up my stash -- buy less, hoard less.
- Be more adventurous - use colors/embellies and things that I would ordinarily not try -- at least once. How do I know if I can do it if I don't try?
- Make gift albums for the parents for Christmas this year!
Whew...let's see if this works. So far today I have NOT spent any money!!! Though it will be hard with Remember Me having their sale this weekend...
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The most embarrassing day of my life...
EVERYONE was staring at us, and looking towards the sound of the screaming!! I walked away with the oldest in tow, and the youngest screaming her guts out, trailing behind us. We walked from one end of the mall to virtually the other end -- and she was the type of nightmare child that you sometimes see and wonder why the parents can't discipline their child! Finally she stopped -- only because she thought I would leave her behind since I told her that she was not going to go outside without a jacket and that I was leaving.
I couldn't figure out why she was behaving so terribly until a bit later when I realized she had a fever! I forgot that she had gotten the flu shot the night before, and I guessed it changed her behaviour somewhat -- this is the second time she's ever done that to me, and that was a year ago when she had gotten shots then too!
Talk about kids managing to embarrass their parents!
Monday, January 01, 2007
A Day in the Life of a Shopaholic
To celebrate the New Year (sort of), my friend Cathy and I went down to Bellingham to shop. Talk about luck! We made it through the border virtually with no wait (one car in front of us), and even had time to stop off at Barnes and Noble for a coffee and a yummy chocolate molten cake for breakfast before the stores opened!
Then we went to Treasury of Memories and shopped for 2 hours at their annual sale. I only ended up buying 2 mini book kits, some paper, and a 7 Gyspies stamp. My friend bought a gorgeous green ultrasuede mimi bag along with some paper and other supplies.
This put us at around noon, so we then headed off to Stampadoodle for their big New Year's Day sale -- everything in the store was 25% off. I ended up with a ton of ribbon, some princess charms, ink pad/cleaner and Stickles. We were there for about an hour and a half and then went next door to Paper Zone. They have lots of great stuff, though there wasn't a sale. We did check out their clearance area and got some great deals. Cathy bought this package of KI ribbon, regular price $12 -- we thought it was 50% off but it ended up being $1.75!!! I think this was the best deal of the day! I ended up with an assortment of paper -- from $0.17 - 0.56 each, some Doodlebug ribbon for $0.50 each and Making Memories "heidi" rub-ons for $3.00 each!!
So we finally ended up at Bellis Fair for a very late lunch. Checked out Target but they didn't have anything in terms of scrapbooking products. So we headed home. Again, luck was on our side...made it through with no line-up...and the customs guy was nice and let us through without hassle...YAY!
Thanks to Cathy for getting us there and back safely (YAY!! No more fears!!)
Can't wait...we'll be heading down again on the 13th to Treasury of Memories as Karen Russell will be teaching some classes.
As well, we'll be heading off to Sonja's place this coming Saturday for some scrapbooking fun! She always has such fantastic layouts for us to scraplift!
Thank goodness there are things to look forward to...I'm heading back to work again tomorrow (after a 2 week break), and am STILL trying to re-organize my scraproom. At least I can see the floor now!