Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Goals for 2007

Okay, I guess it's time for New Year resolutions event though it's been about 2 weeks later than I should've sat down to write this.

  1. Be more active and fit.
  2. Date Wil more on a romantic setting rather than just trips to Costco for a hotdog prior to grocery shopping.
  3. Eat healthier -- bye-bye Costco hotdogs!! : )
  4. Spend more quality time with the girls -- they won't be small for long.
  5. Be more organized -- my room and computer areas look like a tornado hit them.
  6. Be better with money - shop less!
  7. Be more patient.
  1. Do more - try to scrapbook at least 3 times a week.
  2. Do more multi-page and multi-picture layouts.
  3. Use up my stash -- buy less, hoard less.
  4. Be more adventurous - use colors/embellies and things that I would ordinarily not try -- at least once. How do I know if I can do it if I don't try?
  5. Make gift albums for the parents for Christmas this year!

Whew...let's see if this works. So far today I have NOT spent any money!!! Though it will be hard with Remember Me having their sale this weekend...

1 comment:

bcgal00 Rae said...

I'll be at the sale too at RM too. Blog looks good, saved you in my faves.